
UseTree develops products based on a deep understanding of people.

The interdisciplinary team of experienced experts advises international companies, as they strive to create products that are as catchy, useful and desirable as possible.



Software Partners

Method Park by UL

Method Park by UL are software & system development specialists, in the safety and security-critical environment of medical devices and automotive technology. Founded in 2001 in Erlangen, Germany, Method Park has around 170 employees at locations in Erlangen, Munich, Stuttgart, Hannover, Frankfurt/Main, as well as in Detroit, Miami and Pittsburgh in the US.

White Duck

White duck are a software and cloud technology company, based in Rosenheim, which develops and operates modern cloud, web, mobile and IoT applications. They focus on technology such as Microsoft Azure, .NET C#, .NET CORE, Angular, WPF, UWP, ASP.NET applications.