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Magazine by UseTree


Magazine by UseTree
Glühbirne, die leuchtet.
News Reading Time 4 min

The role of UX in the energy sector

Digitalization means changes for the energy sector. New digital products, interfaces, systems… But with a focus on UX, companies and users can benefit from it.

Illustration von Ärztinnen und einem Medizingerät.
News, Knowledge Reading Time 2 min

Summative Evaluation of Medical Devices

What It Involves and Why It’s Crucial.

Eine Person, kippelt auf einem Stuhl mit einer viel zu großen Hand und versucht etwas zu greifen.
News Reading Time 4 min

Digital accessibility – UX for everyone

Digital accessibility ensures everyone can use digital products. UseTree helps businesses meet the 2025 legal requirements with tailored services.

Allgemein Reading Time 1 min

Bringing Digitalisation to the Health Industry

UseTree becomes a member of the eHealth Incubator of the ENTSCHEIDERFABRIK.

Laptop and working hands in grey tones
News, Knowledge Reading Time 2 min

UX with our seal of approval

As a selected UX service provider of the association UIG (Usability in Germany e.V.), we promote and award user-centred companies with the seal “Nutzerzentriert entwickelt” (user-centred development).

Event Reading Time 1 min

UseTree at e-world in Essen 

The e-world Energy & Water in Essen from 23-25 May 2023 is Europe’s leading trade fair for the energy industry and focuses on current and future opportunities for the sector.

Event Reading Time 1 min

UseTree at DMEA 2023

DMEA is Europe’s key event for the digitalisation of healthcare. From the 25th to the 27th of April 2023, DMEA will bring together around 12,000 trade visitors at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. UseTree will be one of 600 exhibitors from Germany and abroad.

News Reading Time 1 min

Happy 2023!

We are happy that this year our team continues to expand and grow closer together, not only two-legged but also ...
Event Reading Time 2 min

UseTree at Medica 2022

Meet us at MEDICA 2022 – the World Forum for Medicine and medical products in Düsseldorf!

Good question Reading Time 3 min

Three questions for … Thomas Schildhauer – DUCAH

Prof. Dr. Dr. Schildhauer tells us about the goals of the DUCAH initiative, his personal motivation and the greatest challenges.

News Reading Time 1 min

“The Christmas Monster”

It began one morning in December …

Event Reading Time 1 min

WUD 2021 – Our Speech in Leipzig

The annual international World Usability Day, WUD for short, takes place again in November. This day is all about the achievements and findings around usability and user experience. What is the current impact of interactive products and systems? Over 40 countries are participating in WUD 2021 with online and live events on the theme “Design of our Online World: Trust, Ethics & Integrity”.

UX Workshop
Recommendation Reading Time 1 min

Learn UX methods for your product in our hands-on workshop

How can a consistently positive user experience improve products? We show our approach in our two-day UX workshop using your own practical example.

News Reading Time 1 min

UseTree talks: User-Centered Design for Medical Devices

On Thursday 6th May, we will be holding an event on our development and design of medical devices. In the lecture “FG Digital Health: User-Centered Design for Medical Devices” we will present how Usability and User Experience (UX) play a decisive role, because they enable intuitive and safe operation.

News, Knowledge Reading Time 3 min

User Experience for Parkinsons & Co – True Benefits for Patients

April, Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, is drawing to a close, but that doesn’t mean that these and other neurodegenerative diseases don’t deserve attention the rest of the year. We tell you why User Experience the foundation of any health App is.

News Reading Time 1 min

Our Talk at the ECDF Industry Forum

Next Monday we will give a short talk at the “ECDF Industry Forum: Digital Health in the Aging Society” at the Einstein Center Digital Future Berlin.

The story behind Reading Time 6 min

Between the Laws of Physics and Religious Passion

A magical moment, a whisper with a hawk, arrowheads in her hand.
Instead of cutting-edge technology that Gorden the survey expert usually operates, an indigenous American woman found an archaeological artefact through invisible gifts. Millennium-old arrowheads. Far from the Mormon’s purpose, the woman brought everyone together in contemplation, thanking the elements and summoning a force of nature….

Event Reading Time 1 min

Merry Christmas and a Motivated New Year 2021!

Dear Customers, Business Partners and Friends of UseTree! Thank you very much for an eventful and unique year 2020!Everyone certainly ...
News, Event Reading Time 2 min

UseTree celebrates its fifth anniversary

UseTree celebrates its five-year anniversary this year! We would like to thank all our clients, partners and friends for their trust and for their collaboration.

News, Event Reading Time 1 min

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: our Talk at World Usability Day 2020

At this year’s worldwide Day of Action for Usability and User Experience, we will present our contribution to the FDA certification of the radiology software for Siemens Healthineers.

Infoflyer der DMEA Connecting Digital Health
Event Reading Time 2 min

UseTree & Siemens Healthineers at the digital DMEA 2020

In 2020, the topic of digitalisation in the healthcare system is in greater demand than ever before. This is why Europe’s largest event in the health IT industry, the “DMEA – Connecting Digital Health”, is offering an exclusive online platform this year with the “DMEA sparks”.

Rote Neonröhren auf dunklem Hintergrund in der Form des Wortes Change
Knowledge, Good question Reading Time 4 min

Agile transformation in 2020

The Corona crisis as an opportunity for new digital working environments in product development

Knowledge, Recommendation Reading Time 2 min

COVID-19: AI can help.

The potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Real-World Data (RWD) in medical regulatory, price and reimbursement decision making in the US and Europe

Knowledge, Good question Reading Time 3 min

Motivation: UX Research after Testing

In the last part of our blog series on motivation, we look at the phase after the test. After examining how motivation is kept high during the interview, the following questions arise: How do I adequately conclude the research project with the participants and how do I communicate the collected data with stakeholders?

Knowledge, Good question Reading Time 5 min

Motivation: ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’

In the second part of our blog series, we laid the foundation for achieving high motivation in the test preparation phase. In this part, we focus on the phase during the test: which factors should be considered in regard to the test subject and which to myself as a researcher? Most importantly, how can motivation be kept high throughout the interview?

News Reading Time 1 min

Meierhofer presents new generation of “M-KIS” at DMEA 2020

The Munich-based company is the leading provider of solutions for digital patient care in hospitals and clinics in German-speaking countries and is now taking a consistently user-centric and evolutionary step in software development with “M-KIS Next”.

Knowledge, Good question Reading Time 4 min

Motivation: Good Preparation is Half the Battle

In the first part of our blog series, we asked ourselves why motivation is so important in UX testing. Today, we will identify the possibilities in the test preparation phase to lay a foundation for motivation.

Knowledge, Good question Reading Time 3 min

Motivation: The Alpha & Omega in UX Research

In 2020, we are starting motivated! This positive resolution for the new year also plays a decisive role in UX Research. Therefore, we have dedicated a 4-part series of articles to the topic of motivation.

World Usability Day Banner
News, Event Reading Time 1 min

We are speaking at the World Usability Day 2019, in Berlin

The theme for the 15th WUD is “Designing for the Future We Want,” showcasing different keynotes and workshops. UseTree will be back on November 14th to present one of our projects on the topic of AR.

Knowledge Reading Time 4 min

Gesundheit2025 Needs UX

The E-Health Act and the Future Agenda for Health 2025 formulate the objectives of digitisation, which should be implemented by 2025. At both DMEA 2019, Europe’s largest event for the health IT industry, and the opening of the health innovation hub (hih), we met people from different sectors of the industry who approached us with concerns about the implementation of these goals. Everyone was affected by the question: how can Germany succeed in catching up? We trust in the powerful capabilities of UX in transformative processes such as those presently emerging in the healthcare sector.

Andreas Lemke Mediaire
Good question Reading Time 4 min

AI Trends in the Medical Sector

What is the current state of self-learning eHealth systems? What are the goals of the pioneers of this technology? Are they within reach? How should the interaction with the user, or the doctor, be designed? We spoke to Dr Andreas Lemke, founder of the Berlin start-up mediaire. Their technology offers radiologists an innovative, intelligent analysis of MRI data.

Good question Reading Time 2 min

Voice User Interfaces: The next step in our interaction with technology?

Every day, we interact with our environment. One of the most common forms of interpersonal interaction is conversation – with friends, family or colleagues in the office. Speech is, for us, an intuitive medium that we learned in childhood, to communicate with each other.

Event Reading Time 2 min

Speaking UX: UseTree at the DMEA 2019

“DMEA – Connecting Digital Health” is the new name of Europe’s largest Health IT event, the former conhIT. This year, the event will take place from 9 to 11 April at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. We from UseTree also attend and will discuss the role of UX for the healthcare sector in our Werkstatt.

Recommendation Reading Time 1 min

‘Bottlenecks’, David C. Evans

‘A book for anyone who wants to get into the subject of UX Psychology – but also with a lot of new insights for the more seasoned!’

Event Reading Time 2 min

Second edition of the roadshow “Industry meets IT” at IDZ Berlin

Yesterday, under the motto “Usability in industrial production”, company representatives presented best practices, trends and innovations. Our senior UX consultant Ariane Jäger talked about our collaboration with EOS on the EOSPRINT 2 project and about mastering complexity with the use of UX.

Recommendation Reading Time 1 min


The documentary shows people, and their successful ideas for democracy, education, economics, energy, agriculture of the future.

Recommendation Reading Time 1 min

Yuval Noah Harari talks about his ‘21 Lessons for the 21st Century’

No time for reading Harari’s three mind-boggling bestsellers? Listen to him talk about his latest and most relevant book at ‘Talks at Google’.

News Reading Time 2 min

New company structure at UseTree

On the 1st of December 2018, UseTree embarks on a new chapter in its young history. Dipl. designer Stefan Häber ...
News Reading Time 2 min

Our website relaunch – Why exactly now and what’s new?

We look back at a year filled with interesting projects and important developments. This should be shared with the outside world. We would like to briefly introduce you to the areas of our new website.

News Reading Time 1 min

Supporting independence: a school project in Ethiopia

We take information and education for granted in our everyday lives. That is why our annual Christmas donation goes to the school project led by the Enat Afer association. Would you like to join us?

News Reading Time 1 min

AI needs UX.

When AI experts met for the DeepBerlin conference, last Tuesday, they invited representatives of Berlin’s UX scene for a panel discussion. Our UX consultant, Sarah Schulte, talked about the current and future role of user experience in artificial intelligence applications, both today and in the future.

News Reading Time 1 min

Three design awards in a row for EOSPRINT 2

Our redesign of the software application, EOSPRINT 2, was given the German Design Award in the category Interactive User Design, by the German Design Council, in 2019.

Recommendation Reading Time 1 min

‘The Mom Test’ by Rob Fitzpatrick

Imagine you have a new business idea and ask your mother about it. Clear case: Your mother loves you and will lie to you!

News Reading Time 1 min

Red Dot Communication Design Award 2018 for EOSPRINT 2

Our redesign of a data preparation tool, for additive manufacturing processes, received its second design award in a row, following the iF Award.

Good question Reading Time 1 min

Good question to Prof. Dr. Gesche Jost

Gesche is Professor for Design Research at the Berlin University of the Arts and since 2005 heading the Design Research Lab. She is the chairwoman of DGTF e.V. (German Society for Design Theory and Research) and board member of Technologiestiftung Berlin.

Good question Reading Time 1 min

Good question to Tom Srocke

Tom is a Senior Graphic Designer and was responsible for the design and optimisation of user interfaces in the core product development of Bosch Software Innovations GmbH since 2012. As UX Owner, he is currently responsible for the enterprise-wide management of the topic “User Experience”.

Knowledge Reading Time 2 min

Flow and Usability

Some of you may have experienced it while interacting with a device or browsing a homepage. This flow state was ...